Other rings you can experiment with include the Quest Items ring ( ALT-Q), the Raid Markers ring ( ALT-R), the World Markers ring ( ALT-Y), the Minimap Tracking ring ( ALT-F), and, for some classes, class-specific ability rings (generally Mouse Button 4 and Mouse Button 5). You can close an OPie ring without performing any actions by right-clicking, pressing Escape, or by releasing the binding while the mouse cursor is in the middle of the ring. When you release the binding, the selected skill will be used.

The color of the inner ring and pointer changes to reflect your selection. Select a trade skill by moving your mouse - moving the cursor in the general direction of the icon will suffice you do not have to hit the icon itself. The ring will remain visible for as long as you hold down the binding used to open it. Skip to the next section to find out how to change OPie bindings. If you've already bound ALT-T to something else, OPie will not override that binding, and the Trade Skills ring will not appear. Several rings are automatically created when you install OPie, including the Trade Skills ring (which contains all of the trade skills your character knows), which you can open by holding down ALT-T. Once you've installed OPie, you can use it immediately, and customize it further within the game. To install OPie, download the latest version, move the OPie folder from the zip archive into your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns directory, and restart the game client.